Installation & Configuration

  1. Install the package sh pip install django-mfa2
  2. in your add the application to your installed apps python INSTALLED_APPS=( '......', 'mfa', '......')
  3. Add the following settings to your file ```python MFA_UNALLOWED_METHODS=() # Methods that shouldn't be allowed for the user MFA_LOGIN_CALLBACK="" # A function that should be called by username to login the user in session MFA_RECHECK=True # Allow random rechecking of the user MFA_RECHECK_MIN=10 # Minimum interval in seconds MFA_RECHECK_MAX=30 # Maximum in seconds MFA_QUICKLOGIN=True # Allow quick login for returning users by provide only their 2FA


    U2F_APPID="https://localhost" #URL For U2 FIDO_SERVER_ID=u"localehost" # Server rp id for FIDO2, it the full domain of your project FIDO_SERVER_NAME=u"PROJECT_NAME" FIDO_LOGIN_URL=BASE_URL ```

Method Names * U2F * FIDO2 * TOTP * Trusted_Devices * Email

Note: Starting version 1.1, ~~FIDO_LOGIN_URL~~ isn't required for FIDO2 anymore.

  1. Add mfa to

    python import mfa import mfa.TrustedDevice urls_patterns= [ '...', url(r'^mfa/', include('mfa.urls')), url(r'devices/add$', mfa.TrustedDevice.add,name="mfa_add_new_trusted_device"), # This short link to add new trusted device '....', ] 1. Provide mfa_auth_base.html in your templaes with block called 'head' and 'content' The template will be included during the user login. If you will use Email Token method, then you have to provide template named mfa_email_token_template.html that will content the format of the email with parameter named user and otp. 1. To match the look and feel of your project, MFA includes base.html but it needs blocks named head & content to added its content to it. 1. Somewhere in your app, add a link to 'mfa_home' <li><a href="{% url 'mfa_home' %}">Security</a> </li>

Next, you need to change your login code